January 21, 2023

Annual Report Design- How To Make Informative Documents Visually Appealing

When spoken of in a corporate context, we usually think of graphic design in terms of a company’s logo or website, or such entities that reflect the brand image before its target audience. More often than not, we overlook the […]
January 20, 2023

5 Tips For A Tasteful Restaurant Menu Design

Often times, a creatively designed restaurant menu has been known to stimulate customers’ appetite and evoke cravings. To the restaurant owner, however, the menu serves a greater purpose than luring customers and guiding them in their choice of food. It […]
December 30, 2022

7 Newsletter Design Concepts To Attract More Readers

1. Use eye-catching headings & titles. Online organizations and corporations may increase traffic to their website by writing blogs and other web content. Only a small percentage of them, though, can persuade individuals to click or browse their blogs. And […]
December 23, 2022

7 Reasons Why Each Company Should Have Its Corporate Identity Kit

1. A distinctive corporate brand makes a company stand out from its rivals. Every company has developed a strategy to engage its target market. But have you ever observed how are customers able to distinguish these brands? The corporate identity […]
December 11, 2022

7 Guidelines For Minimalist Branding

In the 1960s, minimalism emerged as an artistic trend and has since permeated a variety of industries, including architecture, fashion, lifestyle, and design. Being a timeless philosophy, it efficiently supports brand design by assisting in the creation of an identity […]
November 22, 2022

The Evolving Relationship Between Graphic Design And AI

The age of automation has heralded an unprecedented change and there is no denying it. Be it Amazon continuously displaying ads of oven mitts since you purchased a microwave from the platform, or Netflix filling your recommendations list with K-dramas […]
November 19, 2022

10 Tips for a Creative Brochure Design

Do you wish to design brochures expertly? For an appealing brochure, brochure designers utilize innovative design elements. Here are 12 original design ideas to create a good one.  One of the most popular and effective forms of printed marketing collateral […]