Invention of 5G Means Enhancement in Website Designing – Digital Polo Inc

It seldom happens that we usher in the New Year with the most exciting news, like soon to be available 5G networks to all that would completely change the scenario of the internet world. Yes, you read that right. The network that is currently on every internet user’s lips will soon be on their compatible smart phones. The latest invention of Fifth Generation Wireless Cellular Network (famously known as 5G) in the family of mobile connectivity has a bag full of exciting offers for its users. Some of such offers are faster downloading and uploading speeds, decreasing latency, enhanced connections and wide coverage area. This means, internet browsing will no longer be a mind pestering task for any activity performed using it. If experts are to be believed, 5G will reach 1.4 billion devices by the end of 2025.
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In context to website designers, 5G networks hold a promising future for them with a host of new benefits, which would help them expand their horizons in designing. Like, web designers will have room for incorporating larger content like 4K video or any other high quality visual elements on their client’s website. 4K videos that have not garnered the expected usage because of its prodigious loading time on mobile networks can now be put as a background of any website using 5G. Not only 4K videos, but using Virtual and Augmented Reality in web designing is now possible through flawless and uninterrupted 5G networks speed.
With such high speed internet connection, it has been exemplary for the web designers to exploit the capability and usability of Progressive Web App (PWA) technology into website designing. With such superlative benefits of 5G networks, web designers are sure to get empowered and create a never seen and truly an unforgettable website. But, before learning how exactly 5G would revolutionize web designing, we will learn what the differentiating benefits of 5G networks are that have made the mobile users wait in desperation for it.
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Benefits of 5G Networks
Nothing in this world can survive if its pros do not out shadow its cons. Same is the case with 5G networks, which has a bundle of benefits to offer with improvements in its last version i.e. 4G. This Fifth generation of mobile technology promises much stronger network connections, wider network coverage and faster data download and upload speed. In comparison with 4G connection, 5G is believed to deliver 10 to 20 times faster speed in real world scenario. This means that loading of pages and files can now be done in a fraction of a second.
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The main reason behind invention of 5G networks was to carefully and efficiently manage the current count of ever-increasing volume of data in order to provide an efficient networking. With unprecedented surge in the number of mobile and internet users, the prevailing spectrum bands are getting congested, which in return is deteriorating the quality and connectivity of the 4G networks. So, to tackle this widespread problem, 5G is soon getting launched to provide an efficient mobile internet. 5G networks can connect to up to 1 million mobile devices within the range of .38 square miles with better precision due to radio frequencies ranging between 30 to 300 GHz range.
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Along with all the existing features of 4G networks and seamless speed, 5G connections offers low to zero latency time. Latency time is the time gap between the information sent to a phone by a website and its arrival on that phone. In other words, this page loading time would come down below 5 milliseconds when using 5G, which is approximately 50 milliseconds under 4G networks. A website that is loaded with high quality images and videos will also load in 1-2 milliseconds of time. Because of reduced latency and faster speed, the battery consumption of the device can be reduced dramatically. Beside all these superlative advantages, 5G networks is the gateway to a world of new use cases, like
- Cloud VR/AR
- Industrial Internet of Things
- Connected Automotive
- Smart Cities
- Remote Machinery Control
- Wireless eHealth
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Now, that you are aware of all the major benefits that 5G would bring when it enters the tech world, we must move ahead and study about the pros 5G would give to the web designing world.
How 5G Networks will be Beneficial to Web Designing?
When a designer does not have to stress himself for lag on a website, he can pay requisite attention on designing the website for a seamless user experience. With the launch of 5G networks the task of web designing has become so interesting that the designers are now able to develop an uncompromising website with rich quality audios, videos and resource intensive functionality. Leaving behind high resolution images, designers will be able to deploy 4K videos that are not being right used under 4G networks. This would also make 4K videos, which has a long due credit to it. Let’s check out some vital features of 5G that would help designers create a unique and spectacular website.
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- Faster Streaming Videos: As learnt under the benefits of 5G that it will allow high resolution videos to stream at an uninterrupted speed is like a boon in web designing. Experts have claimed that the soon to be available 5G will have 10 to 100 times faster speed compared to the current one. This makes room for endless opportunities for the web designers. Using 5G, videos can be used the way designers want to use it in web designing, such as using it as an immersive background or on the home page of a website along with the client’s product or services. Designers can even stop auto play of the videos that they incorporate on the website, to make the same favourable for the visitors who do not have 5G connections. Such features make the website friendly for users with lower versions of networks.
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- Enhanced User Experience: Higher a mobile’s response, greater will be its UX performance. When 5G will be up for grab, users would be demanding more powerful user experiences. So, web designing should be such that the website they create is seamless and fascinating whether viewing it through smart glasses or just on their smartphone. This feature is only possible if 5G network is applied as it eliminates the gap between the experiences that a user face when viewing a website on a desktop and when viewing on a phone. Designers must thrive to keep a consistent UX for all their visitors across all platforms. With smartphones incorporating more and more advanced features to make it multi-functional gadget, people are spending more time on it than on any other electronic devices. So, web designing should be so smooth and hustle free that its users are able to use it even at the time of travelling. With the help of 5G connection organizations can even get hands on real time asset information, which they would transfer to the concerned departments in their organization. This in return would help the company keep their website up to date in all respect on a real time basis, even from a far-off place.
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- Enabling Use of Ambient Devices: Launch of 5G would mean infusing life into everything that is around us, enabling them to interact to us. All the ambient devices, like something at the entrance of your apartment or walking down a store, that surround us will be readily and speedily available to all the humans on their smartphones through 5G. Web designers must make themselves knowledgeable about different ways through which they can use 5G enabled smartphones between their websites and any ambient devices for example a cosmetic store near you. For instance, your customer is waiting for you to meet him after your meeting is over. Your website must have such features that it pings this customer and asks him to watch a video that is appearing on his mobile screen while he waits for you.
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- More to Offer With 5G: By now, we all have engraved in our minds that 5G means reliable, faster and readily available networks. So, web designing will also be impacted in a favourable way, as designers will be able to incorporate many new features on their websites that previously they were not able to do. 5G would open doors for them to make their sites so convincing that their visitors are able to involve themselves in the company’s mission. Designers can even offer personalized experiences to all their site visitors by asking them to share their photos of their happy moments or when they have felt ecstatic. Websites can run contests for their customers where they would be asked to share their photos using the company’s products and/or availing services.
- Implementation of Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR & VR): With AR and VR gaining the due importance gradually are helping web designers to try out the tools that allows placing AP apps on product pages or 3D videos into websites. If AR apps are incorporated in a website using 5G networks, customers would be able to place the company’s product in the place they want to decorate with it and see on a real time basis how would the product look like when actually placed. 5G enabled VR on websites would make visitors on your website walk through spaces that have the interiors done by your company. Websites would also include a feature to let visitors scan a QR code and discover the item at the time of in-store visit with company’s application on their smartphone.
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Currently, 5G is available in the UK, but only in few cities. It will be available to rest of the world slowly and gradually, starting with metro and urban cities. This means that majority of internet users will be not have access to 5G networks together. So, web designing should be done in such a manner that it is compatible for use under both older network versions and 5G networks without hampering their user experience. It means that till the time we all get access to 5G technology, we will be living in a hybrid world involving both 4G and 5G networks. Be it faster speed, seamless connectivity, use of AR & VR or impressive user experience, all be justified and reach its optimum level of usage when 5G becomes a commonplace in the world.