22 Instagram Influencers You Must Follow in 2018 – Digital Polo Inc

Instagram is bustling with emerging businesses, entrepreneurs and artists. There are countless people trying to make it big on the platform.
Here are 22 of the finest individuals/ businesses who are follow-worthy in 2018. Not only do they set an example for upcoming Instagrammers of their genre but they are also the connoisseurs of the platform.
If you are new to Instagram and are in search of inspiring accounts to follow, this is the list you should begin with.
So grab a bowl of popcorn, build yourself a cosy nest and scroll down.
Following is a list of top 22 Instagram influencers/accounts from different genres and expertise. The list is independent of any ranking or alphabetical rearrangement.
Each of these Instagram accounts is capable of making users go WOW. Not to mention the daily dose of Instagram inspiration they will be adding to your Instagram feed.
Make sure you check all of them out. And once you are done, don’t forget to suggest your favourite Instagrammer and leave their name down in the comments section below.
1. Letterfolk
Letterfolk is a humour based Instagram account that deals with letterboards and creates funny content.
When we see Letterfolk’s grid, we are filled with optimism and want to make productive things just like them. They describe themselves as a small business but their popularity is huge.
Short stop-motion videos, funny quotes, lovely minimalistic images can be seen while scrolling down their feed.
Follow them for a homely and cosy feel out of this social media.
Instagram handle – @letterfolk
Area of expertise – Merchandise business
2. Forbes
Needless to say, Forbes is one of the best business magazines currently. Not only do they excel in business news, but their Instagram page is evidence that they also have mastery over visual content.
Forbes follows a specific grid pattern that is very nice to look at. Their content is organised carefully and sends out a message of discipline along with the vibrant photographs.
Follow them for organised photos and satisfying grid. If you want a grid like that for your business, check out this article where we go through types of Instagram grids.
Instagram handle – @forbes
Area of expertise – Business Magazine
3. Kate Moross
Her incredible and funky doodles are out of this world. Her creations have won awards and have been featured in a lot of magazines.
She designs walls as part of her art installation and is also involved in making animated videos. Her Instagram account is as colourful as her nature. Recently she is sporting a rainbow hairdo and all of that can be found on her page.
She also is known to handle another account known as “studiomoross” but it features other artists she works with as well.
Follow her for creativity and a whole lot of colours.
Instagram handle – @katemoross
Area of expertise – Art and design
4. The Rivalry
Very few people know about it but the famous logo for multimillion dollar company Google was designed by The Rivalry. The design got enough criticism as well as appreciation and caused a social stir because the G in the logo is not completely circular.
Random as people’s demands may be, The Rivalry is currently one of the best design pages you should follow on Instagram.
Follow them for mindblowing art and designs.
Instagram handle – @therivalryinc
Area of expertise – Designing
Ramin Nasibov’s Instagram feed can be described as pure satisfaction. With all the geometric patterns and minimalistic artworks, his feed is decorated very neatly.
He generally is seen using a lot of light shades, which are mostly of the colour Blue. Ramin Nasibov has an amazing Twitter following of 310 k and over 1.1 million likes.
Follow him for minimalism and eye soothing art.
Instagram handle – @raminnasibov
Area of expertise – Art direction and design artist
Instagram is not only about the grids and beautiful pictures. There are other features of Instagram, such as stories.
The Economist, being the hub of news from all around the world, put their Instagram story feature to use. Not only do they share news from all around but they arrange it in a form of an interesting story.
Often, it is about lives of people and current affairs. Their stories touch hearts and readers feel like going back for more stories.
Follow them for mind-blowing stories and daily news.
Instagram handle – @theeconomist
Area of expertise – World affairs magazine
7. Entrepreneur
There will be days when you lack all sorts of motivation. Entrepreneur‘s Instagram account can be a correct dose for those kinds of days.
Motivational quotes, merchandise, different campaigns that help and support upcoming entrepreneurs to grow are just some of the things that can be found on their page.
If you are an entrepreneur, this is the spot for you.
Follow them for business motivation and inspirational ideas.
Instagram handle – @entrepreneur
Area of expertise – Business motivation and merchandise
There is an entire world outside Earth and we often forget how small we really are in this universe. For days like these, NASA’s Instagram feed can really reshape your mind.
When we acknowledge that we are next to nothing compared to the humongous universe of ours, out stress, problems and troubles seem smaller as well. Apart from the mindblowing photographs of celestial remains, NASA’s Instagram is also filled with behind the scenes of rocket launches, latest news, etc.
Follow them for superb celestial images and aeronautical photos.
Instagram handle – @nasa
Area of expertise – Aeronautics
An Instagram account that took the internet by the storm is Tasty. And it is currently the highest earning recipe/food channel on the internet.
Tasty recipes are short, sweet and crisp. They cook dishes from all around the world in almost under a minute and that makes even the toughest dishes look easy to cook.
After becoming wildly popular with the millennials, they launched their cookbooks and a specially designed cooktop.
Follow them for mouth-watering dishes and under-a-minute recipes.
Instagram handle – @buzzfeedtasty
Area of expertise – Food and dessert recipes
This is by far, the best Instagram account grid according to us. What they specialise in is an endless table full of food items.
We know it sounds straight out of a fairy tale but Reynolds Kitchens is making it a reality. Once you visit their page, you will find that each of the photos in grid is a part of all others surrounding it.
The grid is so astonishingly perfect and well maintained that you won’t be able to not click the ‘follow’ button.
Follow them for their mindboggling endless table.
Instagram handle – @reynoldskitchens
Area of expertise – Food and dessert recipes
11. Bloomberg
This Instagram account is the equivalent of a business magazine. Bloomberg brings you market analytics, current market news, new business ideas, the status of a business and what not.
Following Bloomberg on Instagram can prove to be a very smart move for a novice marketer as they share a lot of insights and present with a lot of business and marketing content on daily basis.
Follow them to stay updated with market analytics and business statuses.
Instagram handle – @bloombergbusiness
Area of expertise – Business news and stories/Current affairs
12. Seb Lester
He is a designer who is an expert in calligraphy and typography. He has over 1 million Instagram followers. Seb Lester is considered among the finest modern artists of this century and his works are truly the reflection of his talent.
His handwriting looks like a printed font and he goes on with them effortlessly. Developing a skill like his is a very difficult job and that is why people are awed by his calligraphy photos and videos.
Follow him for typography and calligraphy.
Instagram handle – @seblester
Area of expertise – Calligraphy and design
13. Magnum Photos
If you are into photography, this is the very first page you should be following on Instagram.
Instagram is buzzing with millions of photographers who upload mindblowing images daily, but Magnum photos are an account that stands out because of its content.
Each photograph they feature is critically acclaimed and is worth a thousand words. They feature photographs from photographers around the world. This is why their grid celebrates a great deal of diversity.
Follow them for Photographs that make us think.
Instagram handle – @magnumphotos
Area of expertise – Photography
14. Spencer Hibert
If we had one word to describe his feed, we would choose the word ‘trippy’. All of his artwork is unique in the sense that he uses a lot of popping colours. Usually, bright pinks and greens are his type.
There are a lot of modern artists, but he stands out solely because of his vibrant use of colours and intricate but amazing designs on drawings of creatures that seem out of this world.
Follow him for a ride of artwork that’s out of this world.
Instagram handle – @spencerhibert
Area of expertise – Graphic artist
15. BBC
It’s not a crime to imagine an international broadcasting company to have an impressive Instagram page. With all the amazing content they have, it is inevitable that their feed looks like a gem.
The people who brought to us legendary shows such as Doctor Who and Sherlock, that have fanbase worldwide are also doing remarkably good on Instagram.
Follow them for insights on your favourite television shows and stay updated about current affairs.
Instagram handle – @bbc
Area of expertise – News and Broadcasting
16. Jean Jullien
An artist truly one of a kind, Jean Jullien’s Instagram feed is nothing short of a gallery. His art is somewhere in between surrealism and modern expressionism. He uploads his artwork regularly on the social feed and that is one more reason to follow him.
His creativity has no match and once you see the first 9 of his posts, you are guaranteed to check out the rest. Now, isn’t that a sign of a good Instagrammer? There is a lot one can learn in terms of putting artwork up on Instagram from him.
Follow him for creativity and artistic inspiration.
Instagram handle – @jean_jullien
Area of expertise – Art and design
Stephen Mcmennamy is one of the best creative minds to have ever been.
His work is closely related to joining different photos. Yes, it is very difficult to understand what he does initially because he is the only one to have produced art like this.
His creatives are made of two different photos and he makes a final image by combining the both. The results are surreal and absurd in nature.
To have a thought process like that requires an amazing amount of creativity. His feed is magical, to say the least.
Follow him for out of the box ideas.
Instagram handle – @smcmennamy
Area of expertise – Photoshop/surrealist art
Did you know that NatGeo’s Instagram account is the highest producer of videos among others?
Well, that’s just one of all the things Nat Geo is an expert in. Apart from wonderful photographs of landscapes as well as flora and fauna, they also give out experiences, stories and news that are helpful.
They also often feature a lot of professional as well as amateur wildlife photographers on their page.
Follow them to feel closer to the planet.
Instagram handle – @natgeo
Area of expertise – Wildlife/ Flora and fauna
19. Casey Neistat
The connoisseur of YouTube vlogs can just not be missed in this list. He reshaped the YouTube vlogging industry singlehandedly.
Casey Neistat is one of the most dedicated Youtubers and filmmakers of this date. His editing skills and style has no match. If you love adventure/travel blogs and vlogs, then Casey Neistat has the ideal array of photos and videos arranged for you on Instagram.
He is funny, hardworking and jolly by nature.
Follow him for fun and adventurous visual content.
Instagram handle – @caseyneistat
Area of expertise – Youtuber / Adventure and Travel
20. Zoella
She is huge on YouTube as well as Instagram. Zoella is the only beauty blogger/ vlogger you should be following if you are new to Instagram. Zoella ‘s channel is subscribed by more than 12 million people.
She reviews beauty products and has a line of her own! Alternatively, she also does recipes and baking videos. Her positive vibes and energy drag followers to her Instagram.
Follow her content for positivity and you won’t be failed.
Instagram handle – @zoella
Area of expertise – Youtuber / Beauty products
21. Kaisa Keranen
Unlike most other fitness Instagrammers, Kaisa Keranen ‘s Instagram feed isn’t just the hub of fitness videos, her workouts and motivational quotes. Her Instagram feed consists of pictures of calorific food, beautiful beaches and her everyday take on life.
Somewhere, it doesn’t seem made up and orchestrated and that’s why people on social media like her feed. Her motivation for mental health makes a ring because people don’t see her as a flawless goddess.
She makes her followers relate to her by showing that even a fitness freak like her can have a cheat meal once in a while and it is not great to deprive oneself of everything in order to be fit.
Follow her for motivation and relativity.
Instagram handle – @kaisafit
Area of expertise – Fitness
22. Liza Koshy
‘’THE LIL BROWN GIRL’’ Liza Koshy started her journey with Vine and rose to become one of the best comediennes on YouTube. Her videos are parodies, satires and a representation of her goofy self.
She currently has 12 million + subscribers on her original channel. The reason why you must follow her on Instagram is solely for her feed’s vibe.
Even though she is very colourful and resembles a goofball in real life, her Instagram feed is surprisingly calm and maintains a certain monochrome/orange tone. It is soothing to the eyes and all of her 14 million followers on Instagram can vouch for that.
Instagram handle – @lizakoshy
Area of expertise – YouTuber / Comedian
These were the Instagram accounts we followed and really liked.
Over to you now. Have we missed anyone? Let us know your favourite Instagram accounts and we might feature them in another article!